Bio technology
Biotechnology is the use of an organism, or a component of an organism or other biological system, to make a product or process. Many forms of modern biotechnology rely on DNA technology. DNA technology is the sequencing, analysis, and cutting-and-pasting of DNA. Common forms of DNA technology include DNA sequencing , polymerase chain reaction , DNA cloning , and gel electrophoresis . Biotechnology inventions can raise new practical concerns and ethical questions that must be addressed with informed input from all of society. Introduction What do you think of when you hear the word “biotechnology”? Maybe things you’ve seen in the news, such as Dolly the cloned sheep, genetically modified organisms, or gene therapy. The stuffed remains of Dolly the sheep. Dolly was the first cloned mammal. That is, she was a genetically identical "copy" of another sheep. Image modified from " Dolly the sheep, National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh ," by Mike P...