MADIA & GOND

                                         ~Aachal Burande

         The Madia & Gond communities are the tribal communities in India mostly occurred in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. Chhattisgarh is a nature lover's paradise. The state provides a glimpse of central India's cultural potpourri and of the prevailing lifestyle. The tribes of Chhattisgarh are mostly a primitive race who faithfully follow all traditional customs and their archetypal age-old ritual. The tribes of Chhattisgarh are an unique race who mainly inhabit the dense forests of Bastar. In fact more than 70% of Bastar's population is composed of tribals who account for 26.76% of Chhattisgarh's entire tribal population.
        The oldest and most populous tribe of Chhattisagrh are the Gonds. The Gonds Tribals, who are also recognized as the Koytorias are widely dispersed throughout the state. However they mainly predominate the dense forests enclosed in southern Chhattisgarh's Bastar District that accounts for more than 20% of Chhattisgarh's population. The three principal sub castes of the aboriginal Gonds are the Dorla, Madia and Muria races. The etymological significance of the term Gond is derived from the Telegu connotation"Kond" meaning hill. The tribal economy is predominantly agrarian. But the poverty stricken people also depend upon forestry, local cottage industries, hunting and fisheries for their economic subsistence. Some of the Gond people are however employed in cushy primary sector jobs as well as other allied industries. The unique and one of a kind Ghotul marriage tradition of the Gonds is renowned all across the world. They mainly practice the traditional Hindu customs and marry within the family in order to preserve the customary completion of the nuptial vows within the family. Of course some of the romantic daredevils choose to elope with their beloved. Gond marriages however are not a bed of roses. Remarriage, widow marriage, divorce and marrying in laws as well as brothers and sisters are a common affair. Gond society is somewhat matriarchal where the groom has to pay a substantial dowry top the bride's family to pay his due respects. 

           The second most popular tribes is Madia. The Madia of tribal people are one of the principal sub castes of the Gond tribals. They live in isolation and inhabit the secluded enclaves of Narayanpur tehsil of Bastar District. The area inhabited by the Madia tribals are a dense forest that sprawls across nearly 1500 miles of lush greenery. The Madia tribals are very very much feared by mankind. They are a primitive race whose mannerisms are rather ferocious. They savage and barbaric tribesmen are hostile to strangers are sometimes directly shoot them with their arrows. These hill Maria tribals live in the forest enclosure in a world of their own, completely out of the touch with human society. Money and other material pleasures seldom tempt the people of this race. They are hardly effected by the ravages of time and their recluse lifestyle not only keeps them out of touch with modern civilization,it also helps to preserve their archetypal tradition and customs. In fact the Maria are one of the few tribes that have many to keep their quintessential culture alive and unaffected by the vestiges of time. The tribal people are scantily clad and simply cover themselves with a loincloth. However they are very fond of traditional ethnic jewelry are adorn themselves with several iron rings strung around their neck. The women love wearing earring and sometimes pierce as many as 14 holes in their ears and hang two rings or studs from them. The Madia tribals are more bestial than human in their characteristics. They seldom clean themselves or their garments. Even when drinking water, they don't use the normal human convention of using a vessel or container. Instead they drink straight from the pond replicating an animal.
 The indigenous state has treasure of tribal and festivals and fairs,celebrated with great zeal and passion across the state. Festivals and Fairs of Chhattisgarh includes Dassera, Goncha, Hareli, Danttewar Fair, Champaran Mela and famous Rajim Lochan Mahotsav. The Hareli festival of Chhattisgarh is one of the most important harvest festival praying for good crops, celebrate during the monsoon. There are so many other religious and colourful local festival, celebrated by tribes all round the year. 
          The lifestyle of the tribal people is unique and imbibed with traditional rituals and superstitions. Tribal communities of Chhattisgarh are still believe in superstition, they branding woman as a witch and belief of practice of witchcraft. There are so many cases of atrocities against women in the name of witchcraft.  In 2005, the Chhattisgarh government passed the Witchcraft (Prevention) Act and committee for elimination of witchcraft was formed but witch hunts still occur today.



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