Science Media Centre: India
                                        Aachal Burande

            Science media centre India (SMC- INDIA) is the media house having centers in India at Bangalore & Delhi. It is the centre which works between the science and media to spread information, knowledge towards thousands and lacks of people. Its aim is to be a bridge between the scientific community and media in India. The concept and need of Science Media Centre was first coined and debated in the India’s top science journal Current Science in 1997. But UK established it first. In India it was established in 2014. Its effort diligently through media delicate from a comprehensive assortment of establishment and its FAQ for media delicate provide the synopsis of what the SMC proposal and how they can be organized for best exertion.
               Their Moto is to strengthen the public involvement on the science issues through media, to improve the quality and quantity of media reporting in science & technology, to help scientists and researchers to actively engage in the media, to create awareness and popularize the Indian science among the global audience. They also working on promoting evidence based correct science in public debates and policy in India & to help enhance to capacity building among practicing Indian journalists belonging to print, radio, TV and the internet.
              The vision of SMC India is to promote evidene based science throughout the world through all forms of media at the same time improving the quantity and quality of international reporting of science in the Indian media as well. SMC is not connected with any other institution or media house, it is the independent organization which works on the promotion of views, stories and voices of the scientific community to the local national and international media. The specialty of SMC India is leads Science in the headline.
                        SMC India provides support and advice to the scientists who willing to work in media and also organizes a formal media training sessions with focus on particular scientific subjects. SMC also supports to non specialist news channels that are called to cover complex news and it offers them various fellowships and trainings. SMC also conducts many brainstorming meetings which has a aim to discuss many issues relating to science & technology and its media coverage. Great scientists, researchers and media house editors/ journalists attend these meetings. It assists media organizations/ journalists by providing contact database of Indian scientists who would be willing to engage the media on specific topics. It also assists researchers by encouraging and assisting research organisations in setting up their Press Offices and become members of SMC-India
                           The SMC will provide news feed services to media houses in India and globally on findings from Indian science. It organize focused training programs of short/long duration on specific scientific areas for interested journalists. The SMC will lobby for wider recognition and critical importance of science communication in preparing our society for a better future. It will create facilities for better networking and training of journalists aiming at a vibrant science journalism community in India. Funding for the SMC can be done by anyone for more details contact the SMC-India Chairman on


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