Kyoto protocol to Paris agreement:
                                                                        Aachal Burande
           Kyoto protocol and Paris agreement, both terms are related to the conferences held on climate change. To better understand the issue we should know some basic facts related to it. The first question arises is about climate change. The climate change is the change in environment which hazardously affects the surrounding of earth. It leads to increase in the level of green house gases (GHG) due to excess use of fossils. Green House Gases are the gases which produce due to the burning of fossils, deforestation, decay of biomass, etc. They affect the environment adversely. These gases include Carbon dioxide (CO2), Nitrous oxide (NO2), Methan (CH4) & many fluorinated gases. The climate change or global warming are almost similar terms. It affects earth’s atmosphere by increase in the temperature of Earth by 0.6C. It is because, the rays came from sun reflecting back towards the sun but the green house gases present in the environment absorbs these rays and reemits them in the atmosphere. The increasing temperature of atmosphere and earth’s surface leads to increase overall temperature of earth. This increased temperature also melts the glaciers which lead to increase the sea level. Sea level is now increasing by 3mm per year & it is very dangerous for the archipelago like Maldives which will be under water in the some decades.
  To save environment and solve the issues related to climate change there was a UN’s summit or Earth summit held in Rio De Janeiro in 1992 which established UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). This summit was to overcome the climate change. It started the concept of conference of the parties (COP) which is the meetings held by UNFCCC Convention for every year to discuss the issue. Here the Kyoto protocol is the result of the COP3 held in 1997 at Kyoto, Japan but it implemented in 2005. The Kyoto protocol is about the quota given to the countries including in annex B i.e. developed countries like US & UK given emission target (quota) for emission of GHG. But this protocol was not compulsory for all. US refused to ratify this protocol because it gravely damages the US Economy. The working of Kyoto protocol was based on three ways such as Emissions trading/Carbon trading , clean Development Mechanism (CDM) & Joint Implementation (JI). Emission trading is to buy spare Kyoto from any country from annex B but this lies within a limits. Clean development mechanism is managing the extra Kyoto by financing the solar power projects in the developing countries. Joint Implementation is same as CDM but difference is the finance can be done in the developed countries (countries from annex B). The aim of this protocol is that, industrialized nations to reduce their GHG emission by 5.2% by 2012. Kyoto protocol ends here in 2012 which didn’t effect specially on reduction of climate change.
Further, Paris agreement was decided in COP21 (conference of the parties of UNFCCC), was the largest meeting ever happened. It includes almost 179 countries & EU (European Union). The main objective of the Paris agreement was to keep temperature increase well below 2C & if possible below 1.5C. There all nations taken pledged to reduce emission. These are known as “intended nationally determined contributions”, or INDCs. At the time, the US pledged to cut U.S. climate pollution by 26-28% from 2005 levels. China’s target is to reach peak CO2 emissions by 2030 at the latest, lower the carbon intensity of GDP by 60% to 65% below 2005 levels by 2030, and to increase the share of non-fossil energy carriers of the total primary energy supply to around 20%. The EU plans to cut emissions by 40% by 2030 on 1990 levels. The Paris Agreement came into effect on November 4th 2016, after the minimum threshold was met - 55 countries representing at least 55% of global emissions. but President Trump announced in June, 2017 that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate accord, weakening efforts to combat global warming and embracing isolationist voices in his White House who argued that the agreement was a pernicious threat to the economy and American sovereignty. The COP23 meeting in Bonn, Germany hopes to create a road map towards achieving the goals of the Agreement and combat global warming.                


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